As many of you know, the week before Homecoming, Mizzou hosts one of the largest blood drives in the country. Something you may not know is that for the past 7 years, a Delete Blood Cancer bone marrow donor drive has been held in conjunction with the blood drive. These donor drives help blood cancer patients that are in need of a bone marrow transplant. The drives were even featured in the 2014 Homecoming issue of Mizzou Magazine: .
There are currently 14,000 patients in need of bone marrow transplants, but more than half will never receive one. The only way we are going to change this is by adding more people to the national bone marrow registry. Registration takes about 5 minutes and involves filling out a form and swabbing the inside of your cheek. That’s it!
Last year, Mizzou broke a record and registered 1,644 students onto the national registry. This year, we want surpass that goal and hit 1,800 which would be the 2nd largest college bone marrow drive ever held in Delete Blood Cancer history. Many of you can’t be at Mizzou for the drive, so we are inviting you to register as a donor online. If you are between the ages of 18-55, just go to to register. When they ask how you heard about us, select MIZZOU from the drop down box and your registration will count toward Mizzou’s totals.
If you want to learn more about becoming a donor, go or watch this informational video created by Mizzou students: