We will be holding an election for the FY22 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Rocky Mountain Tigers Board of Directors on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. Time, location, and final slate of officers to be announced here 14 days in advance. Everyone is welcome to attend, and additional nominations at the meeting are permitted.
If you’re interested in getting involved and volunteering as a board member, please email mizzourockymountaintigers@gmail.com and someone will be in contact with you!
We are actively seeking volunteers for the following positions:
Will keep record of all chapter meetings, file all committee reports, maintain records such as bylaws/rules & minutes.
Special Events Chair:
Will be responsible for planning, facilitating, and promoting events and activities with the help and support of the rest of the board.
Diversity/Inclusion Chair
This will be a brand new position for our board and the volunteer will have the chance to create a framework for helping us become a more diverse and inclusive chapter.