Founders Day Auction and Donation Pushes Endowment over $50,000 Goal

Our 2018 Mizzou Founders Day celebration on Saturday, February 3rd was a huge success.  It started with watching kU basketball lose at home on CBS that was broadcasting the Mizzou vs Kentucky game right after.  Then we met our 3-year RMT Scholarship Endowment goal thanks to the generous donation from the Stines who wrote the check that got us to $50,000!  At halftime our silent auction closed and we raised over $1000 more.  And the icing on the cake was Mizzou Hoops huge win over Kentucky.

We announced our RMT Scholarship Endowment at our 2015 Founders Day celebration we a stated 3-year goal of $50,000.  Thank you to everyone who’s donated along the way and helped up meet our goal.  Now we will set another goal so that we can continue awarding more scholarships and help Colorado students go to our favorite school.

Want to help?  Make a tax deductible donation here.


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