We hope you are getting excited for the Road Trip to the Opener! The Mizzou Alumni Association and the Rocky Mountain Tigers are thrilled you’re joining to help us kick off the 2019 football season and to cheer on our Tigers here in the Rocky Mountain region!
As gameday approaches, we wanted to send you all the details you’ll need for this event-filled weekend! Please find the details below in chronological order of the weekend. If at any point you have any issues or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Rocky Mountain Tigers at mizzourockymountaintigers@gmail.com.
Welcome Guide
Visit https://rockymountaintigers.org/update/road-trip-to-the-opener-welcome-to-denver-guide/ to check out all of our recommendations to check out during your visit to Denver and Colorado!
Welcome to Denver Happy Hour
The Rocky Mountain Tigers are excited to welcome everyone to our home state and would like to invite you to join us for Happy Hour on Friday, August 30 at 6pm at Rhein Haus Denver, located near Larimer Square in Downtown Denver.
Bus Departure to Laramie
If you purchased bus transportation, our buses will depart from the Springhill Suites in downtown Denver at 12 p.m. (noon) sharp. Here is a link to the Google Maps location of the hotel. We recommend planning to arrive 30 minutes early to account for traffic and check-in time. Buses will be located in front of the hotel in the loading area on 12th Street.
For transportation to the buses, we encourage taking public transit. If you plan on driving and parking a car, we recommend using the Tivoli Parking Garage (located at the corner of Auraria Parkway and 9th Street). Springhill Suites also offers valet parking.
We will check-in bus riders and seats will not be assigned, but rather first-come first-serve so as to allow groups to sit together even if tickets weren’t purchased together.
If you’re planning to join us from our Fort Collins pickup location, one of our buses will stop at approximately 1:00 p.m. at the Fort Collins / Harmony Road Park-n-Ride (located on the northwest corner off I-25 at exit 265, for Harmony Road/CO 68). The bus will check-in and load Fort Collins registrants and will depart immediately after. We will follow the same check in procedure and everyone being picked up will be on the same bus. NO OVERNIGHT PARKING ALLOWED.
Buses are BYOB, but be cognizant that coolers have to be small enough to go under your seat or on your lap. Also, NO GLASS is allowed on the buses.
Check-In and Ticket Pickup Process
For those who purchased a Bus+Tailgate+Game, Bus+Game or Bus Only ticket – Bus check-in will begin at 11:30 a.m. When you arrive at the Springhill Suites, please proceed to the buses and check-in table where you will provide the ID or confirmation of the person who registered you. You will receive your game and tailgate tickets and a wristband that will get you onto the bus both to and from Laramie. For those age 21+, you will be provided a stamp for free Boulevard Beer provided on the bus by our sponsor, Boulevard Brewery.
For those who purchased a Game+Tailgate package – To pick up your game ticket, please head directly to the Tiger Tailgate on the southwest side of the stadium (map below). Please provide the name and ID of the person who registered for the Game+Tailgate and you will be given your game tickets (if purchased) and allowed entry. Tickets will be available for pickup starting at 2:30 p.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m.
If you purchased one of our limited edition Rocky Mountain Tiger T-shirts, your order is expected to arrive to your home prior to the Road Trip to the Opener. We encourage you to wear your shirts to the game! If you did not purchase a shirt, we will have a limited supply, as well as our popular Skiing Truman Socks, available for purchase at check-in.
Tiger Tailgate (SOLD OUT)
The MAA Tiger Tailgate begins at 2:30 p.m. and is located on south side of War Memorial Stadium, near Grand Ave & S 21st Street. The buses are expected to arrive in Laramie at 2:30 p.m. and will head directly to the MAA Tiger Tailgate. If you are not taking the bus and purchased a Tiger Tailgate ticket, you will need to present your ID to check-in, and any guests you registered will need to accompany you at check-in.
Each tailgate ticket includes a catered meal, access to a cash bar (beer & wine), spirit items and MAA member gifts, a program featuring special campus guests, and more! More information can be found here.
As of August 26th, 2019, the Tiger Tailgate has SOLD OUT.
Game Seats
If you purchased your tickets through the Rocky Mountain Tigers, you will be in the Mizzou away block and your seats will be together. They will be in Section AA.
Buses Return to Denver
Buses will depart from the intersection of 19th Street and Willet Drive exactly 30 minutes after the game ends (map below). The bus pickup location is a 15 minute walk from the stadium. We want to allow ample time to use a restroom and return to the bus after the game, but we also want to ensure riders get back to Fort Collins and Denver at a reasonable hour. Please do not be late and hold up your fellow Tigers. The Fort Collins bus will make a quick stop to return its passengers, which should take no longer than 5 minutes as it is directly off I-25, and the bus will continue to Denver immediately after.
Most Spirited Competition and Raffle for Bus Riders
It wouldn’t be a Mizzou alumni event without a ton of Tiger spirit, so we will be awarding a prize to the fan wearing the best and loudest Mizzou gear for the day! Dawn your best Tiger outfit and automatically be entered to win!
We will be raffling off two tickets to 2019 Mizzou Homecoming football game versus Ole Miss. All proceeds will go to the Rocky Mountain Tigers scholarship endowment. We’ll also be raffling off a very special prize to a Mizzou Alumni Association member as well! Any Mizzou Alumni Association member who bought any package for the day is automatically entered. Winners of both will be announced at the Tiger Tailgate! Not a member? Join here.
Thank You
The Rocky Mountain Tigers would like to send some big thank yous! To Boulevard Brewery, for their generous contributions and beverage donations for our bus rides, and to the Mizzou Alumni Association and Mizzou Athletics for all of their help and support in organizing this amazing event!
Post Game Pick Up Directions